
UT researchers to create Zika vaccine candidates
Newly established centre for synthetic biology is going to create microbial cell factories
Smartovkas and Finest Twin Cities—How Estonia Is Creating Smart Cities
When Did Supernatural Creatures Become Part of Fantasy?
From Speech Recognition to Dark Matter—7 Years of Excellence as 12 Research Centres Complete Their Work
Climate Change Brings New Opportunities to Estonian Polar Research
Estonian Researchers Working On Developing Quick Blood Test For Detecting Pregnancy Complications
Estonia Is Creating Its Virtual Museum of Natural History
Physicists Gather in Estonia to Find New More Optimal Ways to Use the Power of Luminescence and Radiation
How Do Children Manage Conflicts? A Young PhD Student Has The Answers.
Investigating the ancient past…in Latvia!?!?!
Investigating waves on a swampy sea
Summer truffles found first time in Estonia
Salme boat remains – a unique arheozoological finding
Powder semiconductors in flexible solar cells – the brilliantly efficient solution in energy production
Professor Tambet Teesalu and the development of brain tumor penetrating peptides
Common metals – possible initiators for a chain reaction leading to Alzheimer’s disease?
Cognuse – an innovative company offering second-to-none mental rehabilitation solutions through online games
Developers Unveil Software That Can ‘Teach Estonian in 200 Hours’ 
Educational researchers of UT are going to train thousands of students and teachers all over the Europe
UT Scholar Awarded a Prestigious Grant in Social Sciences
Cloned HGH Calf Hailed as Success, Hard Part Now Begins 
Professor Ülo Niinemets has been awarded a top grant
Young scientists received high European award

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