
Car and train traffic are European researchers are mapping noise in bigger cities to fight it. Photo credit: Pixabay
Europe is getting noisy – and it’s damaging our bodies
Giving a helping hand or sharing a kind word may be small acts, but they can change lives. Photo credit: Pixabay
One in every fifth child can’t rely on support when bullied at school
Photo credit: sTARTUp Day / Lightcode Photonics LinkedIn
Robots have poor vision, so scientists built them better eyes
University of Tartu's observatory. Photo credit: Renee Altrov
University of Tartu-led consortium embarks on European Galactic Astronomy project
Photo credit: UP Catalyst
Estonia’s nano technology company UP Catalyst is creating a ’green’ battery and heading for Mars
Photo credit: Unsplash/Dale Nibbe
A new measuring device would ensure more humane street lighting
Skeleton, one of the European deep tech frontrunners, got started with these Estonian scientists trying to improve energy storage. Photo credit: Skeleton
How was the best supercapacitor invented?
Leonore Riitsalu, a research fellow at Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu. Photo credit: Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies
Financial well-being can be achieved anywhere
TalTech campus in Tallinn. Photo credit: TalTech
New frontiers for electrical machine diagnostics is researched in TalTech
When a former lawyer and an industrial engineer start working together, healthy science-based chocolate is created. Photo credit: Rene Riisalu
When scientists turn chocolate into medicine
Photo credit: Jevegeni Salikhov
New EU-backed project aims to expand Estonian linguistics research capabilities
The pandemic made students extra creative, study shows
Professor Lili Milani, head of the Estonian Genome Centre at University of Tartu. Credit: Ekspress Meedia/Anni Õnneleid
Estonian Genome Centre team contributes to landmark stroke genetics paper
The unexpected discovery led to this unique wound dressing. Photo credit: Siim Lõvi
An Estonian startup is healing wounds with magic dust
This little machine in a glass box can clean the air of bad gasses. Built by project manager Jürgen-Martin Assafrei (left), and the CEO and founder of RedoxNRG, Nadezda Kongi. Photo credit: Marian Männi
Scientists pull CO2 from the air to make fuel
Photo credit: Andero Kaju
Antibiotics are wearing out, but Estonians have a rescue plan 
China isn't a big economic player in Estonia, but it has other interests in this small European country. Photo credit: iStock
Estonia prepares for China’s growing influence
Professor Hannes Kollist. Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Breeding of drought-tolerant plants reduces food shortages
The conference day of EIT Digital was led by ERR journalist Johannes Tralla, who also interviewed the EIT Digital's Chairman of the Board, Linnar Viik. Photo credit: Harry Tiits
Europe’s most influential digital cluster EIT Digital opened a Baltic office in Tallinn
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Achieving more together: Baltics ink agreement to support tech transfer, commercialization
Photo credit: Unsplash / Sergio Camalich
Homes made of rice ash under construction in Kenya thanks to Estonian scientists
This shiny and flexible layer of crystals could be the future solar panel, but for the moon. Photo credit: Ants Vill
There could be crystal solar panels built on the Moon one day
The researchers sampling Northern pike at Mullutu-Suurlaht on Saaremaa. Photo credit: Alfonso Diaz Suarez
Estonian study sheds light on Northern pike genetics
Rait Kanarbik brought his one-of-a-kind hydrogen-powered coffee machine to the Europe's biggest science festival ESOF this summer, creating a lot of buzz. Photo credit: Marian Männi
Free energy is here: this hydrogen-powered coffee machine proves it

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