This section provides information about the public R&D institutions in Estonia.
In addition to those organizations’ websites, information about Estonian researchers, research projects and R&D institutes can be found in Estonian Research Information System. The structure and basis of operation of Estonia’s research and development (R&D) system are established in the Organisation of Research and Development Act (ORDA). The directions for the development of research and development and innovation (RDIE) are determined in the Estonian Research and Development and Innovation Strategy 2021-2035.
Most research and development in Estonia is performed at the universities. The largest such public university is the University of Tartu, followed by the Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Arts, and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. In addition, the Estonian Business School is the oldest privately-owned business university in the Baltics.
Take a look at the universities.Learn more
External evaluation of research and development is carried out either as a regular evaluation for assessing the level of a field of research or as a targeted evaluation for developing research policy and for obtaining the information necessary for organising research and development in a field of science.
Take a look at the evaluated institutions.Learn more
Centres of excellence consist of one or more internationally high-level research teams that have a clear set of common research objectives and work under the same management. A centre of excellence may be formed from the research teams of one or several R&D institutions (incl. researchers working in the private sector). The aim of centres of excellence is to support high-level research, thus creating preconditions for the improved cooperation and competitiveness of Estonian research in the European Research Area.
Take a look at the centres of excellence.Learn more