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TalTech researchers seek solutions to bring more fresh air into kindergartens and classrooms. Photo credit: Pexels
Scientists build a platform to make perfect indoor air conditions
University of Tartu is launching two internationally influential projects to bring new quality to life sciences. Photo credit: Ragnar Vutt
University of Tartu spearheads excellence in digital bioengineering and personalised medicine
Computer hardware security is an increasing challenge, given the global distribution of the ecosystem needed to produce ICs. Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Taltech researchers strike a home run in hardware security
Companies are exploiting the e-residency program. Matti Ylönen from the University of Helsinki concluded in his study that international organisations should pay more attention to upcoming virtual entrepreneurship programs. Photo credit: Pixabay
Study: virtual citizenship falls into a grey area businessmen can exploit
In Malaysia, located near Betong, a 500 km2 in size oil palm plantation illustrates the problem scope.
How can we revive disappearing wetlands?
The study of the digital outdoor learning app revealed that teachers pose too many simple recall questions to their students. Picture credit: Priidu Saart
Educators ask too few open-ended, complex questions
In order to maintain the competencies, the universities, local research councils and governments must be able to adequately anticipate how to reach the set targets and secure funding for the coming years, says Heidi Ann Erbsen. Photo credit: Mihkel Sillaots.
Europe’s innovation gap cannot be closed overnight yet needs urgent action
Estonian Genome Center at the University of Tartu. Photo credit: Renee Altrov
International study shows polygenic risk score results of genetics-based breast cancer precision prevention 
As we age, lifestyle choices affect our health, but the story is a little different when it comes to young children. Photo credit: Freepik
The number of child cancer patients is on the rise
The research team and the funder meeting at the Skytte Institute on 11 May 2023. From the left: Adele Atkinson, Rauno Pello, Boris Marte, Leonore Riitsalu, Marianne Schlögl and Marcel Lukas. Photo credit: Kristiina Tõnnisson.
How an Estonian university and an Austrian foundation are improving the world together
PFAS and many other micropollutants from factories and our homes often end up transferred to the local wastewater treatment plants, which are not currently equipped with sufficient technologies to keep these pollutants from ending in nature. Photo credit: Ivan Pandura/Unsplash
The environmental chemists at the University of Tartu take the micropollutants out of wastewater
TFTAK scientists are working to make food products more sustainable, healthier and ethical. Photo credit: TFTAK
How Estonian researchers combat climate change through plant-based proteins
Instrumental analysis laboratory focuses on the chemical properties of a wide range of plants.
Photo: Pille-Riin Laanet
Estonian researchers fight Lyme disease with local herbs
Genetic studies on the cowslip suggests that this common plant may go extinct in the future. Photo credit: Erik Karits/Pixabay
Scientists to solve major cowslip blossom mystery with new citizen campaign
What genes can tell us about fertility, Liisa Loog studies during her Marie-Curie Postdoctoral fellowship. Photo credit: Pixabay
DNA study looks at how height and fertility are connected
Swedish business delegation visiting Tartu University. Photo credit: Andero Kalju
Business delegation accompanying the Swedish royal couple were shown Tartu Universities’ influential research and technology facilities
The Soviets were proud of their health protection system, but there was a distinct lack of resources, even needles and rubber gloves that were reused. Photo credit: Museums Public Portal
Study shows how nurses were used in Soviet propaganda
Jürgen Tuvikene
Bioinformatics offers an opportunity to defeat cancer and brain diseases
Hydrogen Valley Estonia
University of Tartu participates in establishing Hydrogen Valley Estonia to boost hydrogen economy
Jekaterina Sydorenko and her lab team invented glass that can be more than just beautiful. Photo credit: Taltech
This rainbow glass kills pollutants in the air
Pharping Hydropower Station. Photo credit: Sujitabh Chaudhary/Unsplash
Expert knowledge from TalTech transfers to Asia
“The change can begin at school by cultivating a culture of appreciation and acceptance of difference, which is in the power of teachers,” said Triin Ulla, Tallinn University researcher. Photo credit: Mikhail Nilov/Pexels
Having special kids in ordinary schools sounds fantastic, in theory
The Moscheles Lock, authenticated by the study, with inscription by former owner Ignaz Moscheles. 
Image credit: Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies, San Jose State University. (Under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license).
Beethoven’s genome offers clues to composer´s health and family history
Used electronic devices hide many valuable metals Europe desperately needs. Photo credit: Pixabay
Europe needs metals. Bacteria can get it from waste.

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