social sciences

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Understanding Youth Transition. Exploring Welfare Regimes Across Europe from Social Investment Perspective
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Support when starting out on their own makes it easier for young people to enter the labour market
Personality profiles of hundreds of professions published in new study by University of Tartu researchers
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ERC grant to explore how excessive confidence in science and technology is blocking the deep sustainability turn
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Strong Institutions Strip Corruption of Its Midas Touch
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Reflexive-adaptive law could lead us through the maelstrom of energy transition
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Tallinn University’s Mikk Granström On Teaching Learning Strategies in the Classroom
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X-nomics: how Twitter and Reddit comments end up into asset prices
womens body image
Social Media Influencers Can Help Rebuild Women’s Body Confidence
Child vulnerability
University of Tartu Researchers Explore Child Vulnerability in Landmark Publication
Photo: Renee Altrov
Pankaj Chejara developed a machine learning model to assess collaboration quality in classrooms
UT in cooperation with ERSTE Foundation has launched a brand new financial well-being self-assessment tool
Picture: 鹈鹂 夏 from Pixabay
Larger social networks are positively related with survival among women
antisocial behaviour
What early behaviours signal future Antisocial Behaviour?
For a more in-depth understanding, Davidjants interviewed activists and civilians who produce war-related content to learn how they perceive their activities and what motivates them to create content.
Stories of war and conflict are abound today; however, narration is increasingly fragmented
According to Arumäe, conventional sociological studies can also provide insight into people's attitudes regarding vaccination
Personality traits can predict willingness to vaccinate
Alma Tomingas with colleagues in the laboratory. Source: ÜAM F 231:163 F, Tartu University museum.
Estonia’s first female doctorates were educators and physicians
Parents often discuss screen time for children, but what about the elderly? Screen time could benefit them. Credit: Anete Toming
Research links internet surfing to healthy aging
The role of human beings does not disappear from the administration of justice and legal work, but it is amplified with the help of technologies. Credit: Jelena Rudi
Professor: Legal Professionals Must Invest in Digital Education and Technology to Stay Competitive
Managerial positions can be occupied by individuals with both suitable and unsuitable values for leadership, depending on the specific country and the value under consideration. Photo credit: Rasmus Jurkatam
Ambitious and creative people are more likely to become leaders
This year, seven researchers from Estonian universities made it to the top of the science world. Photo credit: Patrik Tamm
Here’s advice from the top talent in the science world
What is the role of the teacher? A designerly way of thinking brings big questions to classrooms. Photo credit: Pixabay
An Estonian island school is designing education
One of the key questions in the special issue is who is vulnerable in a crisis. Photo credit: Mat Napo/ Unsplash
What makes individuals fall through the safety nets during disasters?
Companies are exploiting the e-residency program. Matti Ylönen from the University of Helsinki concluded in his study that international organisations should pay more attention to upcoming virtual entrepreneurship programs. Photo credit: Pixabay
Study: virtual citizenship falls into a grey area businessmen can exploit

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