humanities and the arts

Researchers from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. From the left: Doctorate student Sten Heinoja, who is doing his artistic research in the field of music. To his right prof. Sten Lassmann and prof. Maksim Štsura. 
Photo: Private collection.
Artistic Research Emerges as Promising New Field in Estonia
A scene from the movie "The Limits of Consent" by Michael Keerdo-Dawson.
Making an interactive film enabled an exploration of the tensions between following or resisting storytelling conventions
How did transnational knowledge transfer between Eastern European cultures of history during the interwar period?
Petar Kehayov Autor/allikas: Jassu Hertsmann
Petar Kehayov: there needs to be passion in science
Opera singing is often quite physical, so it is compared to top-level sport. Credit: Pixabay
Research: Tricks that make opera sound less incomprehensible
a) Example of a bog mummy (Rabivere, Estonia); b) the severed head of a bog mummy (Stidsholt, Denmark); c) bog skeleton (Luttra, Sweden); and d) disarticulated skeletal remains (Alken Enge, Denmark). Source: Estonian National Museum (a); Nationalmuseet Copenhagen (b); Jan Kask (c); Peter Jensen (d)).
Bogs, bones and bodies: Violent past of northern European mires
What is the role of the teacher? A designerly way of thinking brings big questions to classrooms. Photo credit: Pixabay
An Estonian island school is designing education
Mörigen arrowhead. Note adhering bright sediment material. Remnants of an older label on the left of the sample number. Total length is 39.3 mm. Source: zvg/Thomas Schüpbach
Swiss Bronze Age arrowhead possibly forged from Estonian Kaali meteorite
The Soviets were proud of their health protection system, but there was a distinct lack of resources, even needles and rubber gloves that were reused. Photo credit: Museums Public Portal
Study shows how nurses were used in Soviet propaganda
Photo credit: Jevegeni Salikhov
New EU-backed project aims to expand Estonian linguistics research capabilities
The pandemic made students extra creative, study shows
Tallinn University lecturer Marika Ratnik believes in the healing power of arts, and she has two decades worth of research to support her stand. Photo credit: private collection
Art makes children happier at school
Photo credit: Unsplash, Annie Spratt
Dissertation reveals establishing new teaching method can take an academic year or longer
Photo credit: Unsplash/Aaron Burden
Magic helps out in the least religious country
Prof Sille Pihlak at the bachelor degree jury of the interior architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Photo credit: Tõnu Tunnel
Estonian architect is looking for the perfect wooden lego blocks
At Nunalleq excavations. Anna is holding a precontact Yup’ik mask (1570–1630 AD) unearthed just a few minutes before. Author/source: Alice Watterson
Estonian researcher helps restore the long-suppressed mask-making tradition of the Indigenous people of Alaska
A prince's deputy at the court of Rikita. He holds a deputy's knife of office. Photo credit: Clarendon Press
The theory of dyadic morality explains the logic of Zande witchcraft
For some strange reason, the world often slides over the Baltic Finnic region. On this photo, Baltic Viking Age fans in Kiruvere Muinaslaager, an Estonia-based gathering of Iron Age enthusiasts. Credit: Tiit Blaat / Ekspress Meedia
Baltic Finns were Vikings too, but the world ignores it
The research team led by Tuvikene is fanning out across Europe to investigate the metros, trams and buses in London, Brussels, Tallinn, Turku, Finland; Dunkirk, France; Leipzig, Germany; Kharkiv, Ukraine; Minsk, Belarus; and Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Photo credit: ERR / Siim Lõvi.
Science|Business: Is there more to public transport than moving people around?
Grave of a Scythian-Sarmatian in Perevolochan, in the southern foothills of the Urals in Russia. Author/source: Nikita Savelev
Geneticists and archaeologists are tracing the belligerent Scythians
Eneken Laanes. Photo by Piret Räni.
Tallinn University humanities scholar Eneken Laanes awarded a prestigious grant by ERC
Martin Malve, specialist at the University of Tartu Chair of Archaeology. Photo credit: Silver Siilak.
Unearthed skeletons shed light on past secrets
Ready for utopia? How Estonians see citizen’s income discussion
Kotkajärve Forest University was one of the community undertakings which were supposed to increase Estonianness in the youth. Photo from the exhibition at the Estonian National Museum. Author/source: ENM
Thesis details fostering of patriotism in Estonian diaspora during Cold War

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