News & Events

Why Feed the Gut microbes?
Measuring Oxidative Stress May Help to understand health and disease
A Step Closer to the Mass Production of Soft Robots
Tasmanian Devils are Fighting Cancer
A TTÜ doctoral thesis provides opportunities for preventing musculoskeletal overload diseases in the upper extremities
Photo credit: Kristi Sits
Study Trip to the Fields of Estonian Research
Tracing Nemoriini in the New World leads back to the Old World
Thermal Impacts from Stormwater are Strongly related to Urbanization and Climate Change
Simple Methodology gives New Insight into Ecology of Coastal Fish
Philosophical View Illuminates Different Facets of Science
Strong Glass Needs Stronger Measuring Methods
Power quality issues are becoming increasingly topical
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
ESN Tartu Science Visit – Institute of Computer Science
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
ESN Tartu Science Visit – Institute of Computer Science
TTÜ scientists are seeking solutions for cleaning the air from toxic pollutants
Combining Novel and Classical Methods Give Artefacts Deeper Background
Simple Strategies help to increase Physical Activity
University of Tartu researchers made a breakthrough in the development of human papillomavirus drugs
New spin-off in motion sensing for rehabilitation
Researchers seek new opportunities for making better use of the increasing stormwater volumes
Wing Colour of Common Gulls reflects Their Longevity
Sanitary Conditions affect Demographic Modernisation
TTÜ scientists are leading 8 million euro project for diminishing bureaucracy for businesses in EU
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