News & Events

A general rise in air temperature damages plant photosynthesis.
Plants complain about heat with odour
A Senior Research Fellow at the University of Tartu, Kaspar Valgepea, proudly showing his new laboratory. Author: private collection.
Turning greenhouse gases into useful resources
Children are not just allowed to play with iPads in Estonian schools, they are expected to.
Estonians are building the school of tomorrow
In January, the first three personalised medicine babies were born in Estonia.
Personalised medicine increases IVF success rate
Milrem Robotics' unmanned ground vehicle “TheMIS” in Mali.
Estonians invented a peaceful robot tank
Estonia has had the courage to establish ambitious minimum energy performance requirements by regulations
Estonia has the most energy efficient buildings in Northern Europe
The project plans to support research and innovation across five domains – data, governance, mobility (transport), energy and the built environment.
Science|Business: Can smart city tech go global?
High Performance Computing Center of the University of Tartu
Estonia Joined the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration Initiative
The scientists will use data from the Estonian Biobank and cell line experiments to investigate the biological function of genetic variants.
New research centre combines genomics, evolution and personalised medicine
Computer-based environment and virtual reality is one of the most novel possibilities for paediatric neurorehabilitation available today.
Computer-based programmes support children’s neurorehabilitation
Ornithologists have so far believed that birds do not make any stops when crossing deserts.
Bird migration over the desert – with or without intermediate stops?
People in Europe and the Nordic countries are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer due to their predominantly light and sun-sensitive skin type. Photo credit: Stina Kase.
A new hope for melanoma patients
Estonian teachers and schools are very open to innovation.
Cooperation contributes to innovation in education
Arvi Jõers
Scientists hope to defeat infections after discovering bacterial espionage
University of Tartu. Photo credit: Riina Varol.
ERA Chairs bring excellence to Estonian universities
More accurate marine forecast models will be of direct practical benefit to fishermen whose work depends on the movement of fish herds. Photo credit: Stina Kase.
Advancing marine forecast models
53,3% of Estonian land territory is covered by forests. Photo credit: Visit Estonia/Raul Mee.
Measured by the alternative method, the area of Estonian forests turned out to be larger
Within two weeks, young seahorses grow to a length of up to a centimetre.
Seahorses are helping scientists to study the evolution of pregnancy
The continental contribution to the American populations. Image credit: Linda Ongaro et al. Current Biology.
The genomic impact of European colonization of the Americas
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
EurekAlert seminar in Tartu
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
EurekAlert seminar in Tallinn
Developing diagnostic biomarkers creates possibilities for their daily use, which in more complicated cases would allow diseases to be diagnosed more accurately and faster. Photo credit: Renee Altrov.
Towards biomarker-based diagnosis of psoriasis
Mozilla Firefox
University of Tartu researchers are developing a translation programme with Mozilla Firefox
Estonian university leads an international innovation project

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