humanities and the arts

Photo credit: Unsplash, Annie Spratt
Dissertation reveals establishing new teaching method can take an academic year or longer
Photo credit: Unsplash/Aaron Burden
Magic helps out in the least religious country
Prof Sille Pihlak at the bachelor degree jury of the interior architecture department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Photo credit: Tõnu Tunnel
Estonian architect is looking for the perfect wooden lego blocks
At Nunalleq excavations. Anna is holding a precontact Yup’ik mask (1570–1630 AD) unearthed just a few minutes before. Author/source: Alice Watterson
Estonian researcher helps restore the long-suppressed mask-making tradition of the Indigenous people of Alaska
A prince's deputy at the court of Rikita. He holds a deputy's knife of office. Photo credit: Clarendon Press
The theory of dyadic morality explains the logic of Zande witchcraft
For some strange reason, the world often slides over the Baltic Finnic region. On this photo, Baltic Viking Age fans in Kiruvere Muinaslaager, an Estonia-based gathering of Iron Age enthusiasts. Credit: Tiit Blaat / Ekspress Meedia
Baltic Finns were Vikings too, but the world ignores it
The research team led by Tuvikene is fanning out across Europe to investigate the metros, trams and buses in London, Brussels, Tallinn, Turku, Finland; Dunkirk, France; Leipzig, Germany; Kharkiv, Ukraine; Minsk, Belarus; and Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Photo credit: ERR / Siim Lõvi.
Science|Business: Is there more to public transport than moving people around?
Grave of a Scythian-Sarmatian in Perevolochan, in the southern foothills of the Urals in Russia. Author/source: Nikita Savelev
Geneticists and archaeologists are tracing the belligerent Scythians
Eneken Laanes. Photo by Piret Räni.
Tallinn University humanities scholar Eneken Laanes awarded a prestigious grant by ERC
Martin Malve, specialist at the University of Tartu Chair of Archaeology. Photo credit: Silver Siilak.
Unearthed skeletons shed light on past secrets
Ready for utopia? How Estonians see citizen’s income discussion
Kotkajärve Forest University was one of the community undertakings which were supposed to increase Estonianness in the youth. Photo from the exhibition at the Estonian National Museum. Author/source: ENM
Thesis details fostering of patriotism in Estonian diaspora during Cold War
Applied Theatre Helps Children to Overcome the Loss of a Close Person
Author: Tarmo Pikner
Scientists Involved Local People to Elaborate the Future Plan for Coastal Areas
Native speakers of the Uralic languages are geographically located in very different areas.
Does language relation equal actual relation? Genes provide the answer
During his project, Sävborg published many publications and some books, and he has some more articles coming.
Folkloristic Approach Throws New Light on Old Norse Sagas
Bildungsroman – novels that focus on the young female protagonist's quest for her role in society. Author/source: cacaye/Flickr
What to notice in the Soviet Estonian Female Bildungsroman?
Banisteriopsis caapi or ayahuasca blooming in the experimental garden of the University of Campinas, Brazil. Traditionally, it is considered to be the main ingredient of ayahuasca brew. Author/Source: Helle Kaasik
PhD student from Tartu University studies ritual use of psychedelic brew in Brazil
Interdisciplinary model could help to give patients existential support
Body memory_06
Animated Films Reflect Features of Society
At the centre of Merily Salura’s master’s thesis is the philosophical analysis of literature. The key issue concerns facing tough decisions in the context of totalitarianism. Author/source: Pixabay
Master of Philosophy at the University of Tartu explains the destructive power of pain
Author: Jason Mario Dydynski
Framing cuteness factors can give answers about animal conservation or designing a robot
A Love of TV Shows Can Make You a Doctor
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Mummies United Researchers

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