medical sciences

the first big step was to create a cloned horse embryo.
A breakthrough in science: Horse cloning at the Estonian University of Life Sciences
What is the genetic landscape underlying conditions such as pelvic organ prolapse (POP), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels? Photo:  Eduardo  from Pixabay.
Decoding genetic insights into female reproductive health – Natàlia Pujol Gualdo
Cutting-Edge imaging unravels sex-specific structural variations in the heart!
For Lili Milani, in an ideal world, each person would have their own genetic report for personalized therapy. This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E.
A defective gene can take away a person’s ability to metabolise hundreds of medications!
Blood composition
Genetic Changes Improve Blood Composition in Papua New Guinea
infertility sperm
One of the largest male infertility genetic studies improves molecular diagnostics and personalized management of andrology patients
adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
High genetic risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder suggests possible health consequences
According to Arumäe, conventional sociological studies can also provide insight into people's attitudes regarding vaccination
Personality traits can predict willingness to vaccinate
In the future, a model that takes metabolic syndrome into account should become part of the doctor’s toolkit. Credit: Mart Vares
Estonian geneticist’s post-doctoral research revealed interplay between schizophrenia and body weight
University of Tartu is launching two internationally influential projects to bring new quality to life sciences. Photo credit: Ragnar Vutt
University of Tartu spearheads excellence in digital bioengineering and personalised medicine
Estonian Genome Center at the University of Tartu. Photo credit: Renee Altrov
International study shows polygenic risk score results of genetics-based breast cancer precision prevention 
Jürgen Tuvikene
Bioinformatics offers an opportunity to defeat cancer and brain diseases
An Estonian psychologist Kadri Haljas created Triumf Land to give children the tools to care for their mental health. Photo: Sven Tupits, Fotogeen
A psychologist is helping children with a video game
Professor Lili Milani, head of the Estonian Genome Centre at University of Tartu. Credit: Ekspress Meedia/Anni Õnneleid
Estonian Genome Centre team contributes to landmark stroke genetics paper
The unexpected discovery led to this unique wound dressing. Photo credit: Siim Lõvi
An Estonian startup is healing wounds with magic dust
Photo credit: Andero Kaju
Antibiotics are wearing out, but Estonians have a rescue plan 
Photo credit: Marian Männi
Estonian study gives hope of detecting cancer in blood samples
Photo credit: Jos Zwaan / Unsplash
Are people with overweight more assertive?
Photo credit: Linda Vilumets
Insights into the past of an almost eradicated childhood infection
Photo credit: Diana Polekhina / Unsplash
Doctoral thesis: In the future, treatment of wounds may be facilitated by nanotechnology
Photo credit: Pixabay
Migrevention, clinical and academic partners, work to advance digital headache clinic
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Small country with a great potential for microbiome studies
Estonian Genome Center at the University of Tartu. Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Landmark genetics studies serve up new resources for gene expression research
Antegenes team. Photo credit: Antegenes
Major investment helps University of Tartu spin-off take genetic tests for cancer prevention to UK market

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