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The findings of the study provide new information on the ovarian function which is important for a more accurate diagnosis of the causes of female infertility and for the development of new treatment options.
Geneticists revealed new potential causes of female infertility
European farmers must adapt to the changing climate and adopt measures which would ensure the continued good productivity for the farms in the future.
Webtool helps predict climate change in agriculture
The results of the study show that we should be thinking about how to make a diverse diet that is largely based on plant-based food (fruits, vegetables, etc.) available and attractive to adolescents.
Students need more fruit and vegetable options at school
One of the best-known Estonian biodiversity specialists Aveliina Helm found a clever way to make herself heard. Photo credit: Andres Tennus
Biologists map biodiversity to break the silence
A physically active lifestyle is one of the prerequisites to good mental health in adolescents.
Physical activity and sleep help maintain good mental health in adolescents
The food we eat is a crucial factor in modulating the gut microbiota and its metabolism.
The growth rate effect of gut bacteria on degradation of dietary fibers
Understanding vulnerabilities is important to ensure that children will succeed better in influencing their own lives positively. Photo credit: Aron Urb.
Being Aware of Vulnerabilities Help Children to Manage Their Lives Better
Scientists have long wondered whether mature native forests would be able to take advantage of the extra photosynthesis with elevated CO2 concentrations, given that the trees also need nutrients from the soil to grow. Photo credit: Paul Meiesaar.
Don’t hope mature forests to soak up carbon dioxide emissions
The study showed that the working life of men with prostatitis-like symptoms was more frequently characterised by night shifts. Photo credit: Kaspar Orasmäe.
Men with prostatitis-like symptoms often consider their quality of life to be poor
Quantum computers may be used to quickly crack the cryptography that protects the world’s ICT systems, making everything from ID card authentication to electronic elections vulnerable to being hacked. Photo credit: Rasmus Jurkatam.
Science|Business: Getting ahead of quantum computing
University of Tartu scientists developed a test for detecting COVID-19 antibodies
In many societies one’s ancestors often come from the opposite corners of the world.
How to develop personalized medicine for multiethnic families?
Taltech professor Maarja Kruusmaa monitoring the progress of the U-CAT fish-robot interaction experiments at SalMar fish farm. Photo credit: TalTech.
Biorobotics is the future of fish farming
AcademiaNet offers the excellent opportunity of searching for researchers by filtering them based on research fields and location to facilitate finding experts located in the desired area.
80 top Estonian female researchers being added to AcademiaNet
Bone sampling in ancient DNA laboratory in the Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu.
University of Tartu researcher to study inequality in prehistoric Europe
The 2016 election won by Donald Trump did not leave anyone indifferent.
Emotion regulation after a lost election
In order to increase indoor air humidity in winter, the scientists propose two options: reducing the indoor temperature and using humidifiers in modern and renovated buildings.
Why is indoor air too dry in winter?
This crisis already gave scientists a lot of data and information to learn from.
What is coronavirus doing to our planet?
Senior Researcher and Team Leader, Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, showing his Tartu laboratory SynBioTEC. Photo credit: Marko Söönurm.
Scientists make food supplements from wood
The NIPT is a non-invasive screening method that only requires drawing blood from the mother
NIPT test developed by Estonian researchers is covered by Estonian Health Insurance Fund
Escape or not? To make a decision, the crow must monitor its surroundings as unnecessary escape is not reasonable.
Fearfulness of birds helps plan nature conservation measures
The research team led by Tuvikene is fanning out across Europe to investigate the metros, trams and buses in London, Brussels, Tallinn, Turku, Finland; Dunkirk, France; Leipzig, Germany; Kharkiv, Ukraine; Minsk, Belarus; and Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Photo credit: ERR / Siim Lõvi.
Science|Business: Is there more to public transport than moving people around?
The REHVA COVID-19 guidance document provides practical recommendations which cover safe use of ventilation systems, use of window airing, safe use of heat recovery sections, and some explanation how to avoid overreactions.
How to operate building services to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2
Time will show whether we will be able to do something to slow down age-related changes. This study at least gives an idea as to which direction we should look to next.
How to slow down ageing?

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