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For the first time, Estonia is holding its own session in the Science to Business programme of an international science forum
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Research in Estonia at the EuroScience Open Forum 2018
Estonia to introduce smart science achievements at a science forum in France
Scientists at TTÜ are testing the airtightness of a novel timber material
Verbal Competence Influences Maths Learning in Later Years
Applications range from making aircraft wings
lighter to creating artificial muscles, with impacts in areas as varied as medicine, robotics and
environmental monitoring. Illustrative photo from
MICACT researchers work on the development of EAP materials for real-life applications
Scientists at the University of Tartu’s Institute of Pharmacy are developing novel dosage forms and drug delivery systems suitable for children. Author/source: Pixabay
Scientists at the University of Tartu are developing medicines suitable for young children
Photographs of shatter cone carrying granitic boulders found southeast of Lake Summanen. Shatter cones are features that can form be meteorite impact processes only.
With the help of Estonian researchers an ancient meteorite impact crater was found in central Finland
Marchers at anti-pornography rally. *
Legislation needs sensitive approach
Illustrative photo from
Selfies depict values and improve self-understanding
TTÜ doctoral thesis proposes solutions of rainwater usage for domestic hot water production in buildings
After determining the humic and fulvic acid content in peat and conducting the XRD analysis of elements and minerals, the possible test mixtures were modelled and small test pieces printed. On the photo, Toomas Tenno is showing these test pieces. Author/source: Merilyn Merisalu
A house could be printed in a day using a novel peat material created in Estonia
Unfortunately, global warming will not stop – that’s the main message. Author/source:
Global warming will continue even after carbon emissions are reduced
These marbled crayfish are catched from the cooling canal od Narva power plant. Author: Mari-Liis Koemets
The marbled crayfish have established themselves in Narva power plant
Illustrative photo from Wikipedia
Landscapes tell forgotten stories
Source: CERN
Baltic universities set up a CERN collaboration team
Photo by Teddy Kelley on Unsplash
Scientists are using robots to study the journey of fish in complicated conditions
This is how one young person (25-years-old Marcin Walkowiak from Poland) described starting independent life. Source:
European youth need support to start working life successfully
At the centre of Merily Salura’s master’s thesis is the philosophical analysis of literature. The key issue concerns facing tough decisions in the context of totalitarianism. Author/source: Pixabay
Master of Philosophy at the University of Tartu explains the destructive power of pain
Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
In nearly zero energy buildings in Estonia, special attention must be paid to window design
The feathers of a young house finch were used to measure the level of corticosterone, which indicates difficulties during childhood growth. Author/source: Tuul Sepp
How does childhood stress influence the life of chicks?
Illustrative photo. Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash
PhD Thesis Explored Possibilities to Improve VoIP Services
Photo by Sahil Mehta on Unsplash
Scientists discovered new possibilities for efficient energy harvest from the shaded photovoltaic modules
Photo by Becca Romine on Unsplash
Nature conservation and restoration requires landscape-scale planning

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