social sciences

Georgian Childhood Experiences Pushed to Research Country’s Transformations
Telework is the optimal solution for extending worklife
Online journalists are expected to have a multitude of skills but working under time pressure and quantity requirements leaves little opportunity to apply these different skills.  Source:
Doctoral thesis explained why online journalism contains so many errors
Mental Well-Being of Adolescence Needs Much More Attention
Vasilis Kostakis (Photo by Ilias Katsouras)
First ever ERC Starting Grant at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance and Tallinn University of Technology
Verbal Competence Influences Maths Learning in Later Years
Marchers at anti-pornography rally. *
Legislation needs sensitive approach
Illustrative photo from
Selfies depict values and improve self-understanding
Illustrative photo from Wikipedia
Landscapes tell forgotten stories
This is how one young person (25-years-old Marcin Walkowiak from Poland) described starting independent life. Source:
European youth need support to start working life successfully
Biosemiotics Provides New Approaches to Analyzing Society
Tense Tango Around Multipolarity
Eyes are not merely an organ of the visual system but also a great source of data for linguists. Author/source: Flickr Creative Commons/Hans Splinter
Young Estonian scientist in Canada studied the language use of Estonians by measuring their gaze
National research awards in 2018. Author/source: ERR
National research awards laureates – what do they do?
Illustrative photo from
2018 sees the start of 42 new personal research funding projects
Illustrative word cloud.
Shared norms constitute a pillar of university-industry collaboration
An Eastern European would retire two years earlier than their Western colleague
A study carried out by TTÜ scientists investigated the links between work arrangements and tiredness of R&D employees
A TTÜ research project investigated the links between work arrangements and sleep of R&D employees

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