
Photo credit: Unsplash, Hans Reniers
TalTech chemists’ new method is a significant step towards greener pharmaceutical industry
Finding serendipity during the COVID-19 pandemic
Photo credit: Unsplash, Adam Nieścioruk
Coronavirus urges scientists to spare no effort
Photo credit: Unsplash, Scott Graham
Estonian Research Council supports joint Nordic research projects on COVID-19
Photo credit: Shutterstock, ibreakstock
New potential therapeutic target found for osteosarcoma
Photo credit: Shutterstock, New Africa
Effective ventilation may be a key factor in preventing the spread of COVID-19
The happy Thursday
Photo credit: Shutterstock, Inozemtsev Konstantin
New ERA Chair creates opportunities for various fields of research
Photo credit: Unsplash, Anastasiia Ostapovych
Researchers’ discovery could make the development of coronavirus drugs more efficient
Photo credit: Unsplash, CDC
Researchers from Umeå and Tartu develop smart solutions to fight infections
Mushrooms – not only for eating
Early Stage Researcher Jaanus Kaugerand with sensor. Photo credit: TalTech
The new software technology introduced in TalTech brings benefits to hospital
Photo credit: Unsplash, Daniel Sone
University of Tartu researchers study the impact of COVID-19 on nurses
Photo credit: Shutterstock, Gwoeii
Hallucinations can also be experienced by healthy people
Article series “Stories of Young Scientists” kicks off next week
Professor Rando Tuvikene. Photo Credit: Tallinn University
Researchers look to saccharides for a breakthrough in the battle against coronavirus
Fruit fly. Photo credit: Alexlky, Shutterstock
Novel Drosophila-based disease model to study human intellectual disability syndrome
Photo credit: Michał Parzuchowski, Unsplash
Genetics sheds light on causes of adverse events of drugs
Photo credit: LightField Studios, Shutterstock
Doctoral thesis gives hints on how to treat melanoma with a virus
Photo credit: Zach Vessels, Unsplash
Researchers found a reason why COVID-19 may be life-threatening
Photo credit: Aaron Andrew Ang
Suicidal thoughts among people with dementia need more attention
Instead of using it as heating material, wood waste could be used to create new values. Photo credit: Markus Spiske
Synthetic biology opens up a new development path for the wood industry
SensorTechBME in TalTech. Photo credit: TalTech
TalTech’s PhD thesis offers a real-time alternative to dialysis quality monitoring by an optical method
Estonians came up with a potentially good alternative to a long-outdated airport x-rays. Photo credit: FrameStockFootages
Good-bye X-rays? New scanner technology sees through things

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