News & Events

Biosemiotics Provides New Approaches to Analyzing Society
TTÜ scientists are seeking ways to reduce nitrogen pollution in the Baltic Sea
Gland-tipped hairs help against the effects of ozone. Author/source:
Pumpkins and cucumbers might become furrier in the future
Tense Tango Around Multipolarity
PhD Thesis Researched Changes in Water Levels at the Kurtna Lake District
Eyes are not merely an organ of the visual system but also a great source of data for linguists. Author/source: Flickr Creative Commons/Hans Splinter
Young Estonian scientist in Canada studied the language use of Estonians by measuring their gaze
Tuul Sepp. Author/source: ERR
Tuul Sepp: Estonia is the perfect place for doing science
Student writes a thesis on how to prevent prediabetes from developing into diabetes. Author/source: Pixabay
Thesis gives recommendations on how to prevent prediabetes from developing into diabetes
The Canada warbler (Cardellina canadensis) is one of the species whose plumage colour was studied. Author: Jerry Ting,
The human eye can be trusted when assessing bird colouration
Science Gig: the field of sensory and flavor science
TTÜ’s dissertation investigated the reasons of varying aggressiveness for breast and colorectal cancers
Spiders on a meadow. Author/source: Mart Meriste
Six new spider species discovered for Estonia from alvars on the brink of disappearing
Science Gig: how researchers make mummies talk
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Mummies United Researchers
A still from author's video, “Voore linna vabastamine“ (“Freeing of Voore town“). Roots received inspiration from female tractor operators who described their work very vividly, highlighting the heavy, heroic and romantic life of women operating the machines, and decided to obtain a forklift operator’s license and began to work as a bundler.
Society does not treat and interpret women as heroes yet
Rainforest. Source:
How to charge your phone battery in a rainforest using algae?
On January 27th the first cow calf in Estonia who's obtained from the OPU technology by grafting the egg from a live animal by extraction, cultivation and embryo transfer method was born. The still nameless calf is on the left. Photo: Andri Küüts
First cow calf in Estonia born from the OPU technology
National research awards in 2018. Author/source: ERR
National research awards laureates – what do they do?
The Government supported the prime minister’s proposal of Estonia joining CERN
Illustrative photo from
2018 sees the start of 42 new personal research funding projects
Kaur Alasoo and a fire truck. Credit: Randel Kreitsberg
Study by University of Tartu Scientist Published in a Renowned Science Magazine
MLS sensors on a purpose-built frame mounted on car’s rear-side
TTÜ doctoral thesis contributes to the development of mobile mapping system
The Lost Forests: Reconstructing the development of European forests
The future prospect of the delayed Time Reversal–Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy (delayed TR-NEWS) method is that a product or device will test the “health” of its components by itself. So the device (aeroplane, car, etc.) no longer needs to be stopped for testing, it will give a signal of the occurrence of a possible defect itself," Martin Lints says. Photo:
A New Method for Testing Materials of the Future

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