News & Events

The paleoecologists of Tallinn University of Technology evaluate global climate models
Author: Tarmo Pikner
Scientists Involved Local People to Elaborate the Future Plan for Coastal Areas
Cyber Hygiene Behaviour Needs Development and Better Advising
Percentage of Russian-speakers in Estonian rural and urban neighbourhoods
Doctoral thesis shows how the living environment can alter ethnic affiliation
Estonian researcher knows how to improve the uniform waste collection system
The calculation method by Tartu’s scientists interests molecular biologists and geneticists who want a more detailed understanding of the reasons behind the development of resistance. Author/source: Fllicr/Nathan Meijer
Novel calculation method by scientists from Tartu identifies the “bad” genes of superbacteria
Photo credit: Auve Tech
Science Gig: why do we need self-driving vehicles?
New Knowledge About Youngsters’ BMI and Bone Density Give Benefits to Help Them
Estonian Aviation Scientists Develop Remote Tower Center to Centralize the Air Traffic Services
Telework is the optimal solution for extending worklife
The fear of giving birth is not a sufficient argument for doctors to allow a caesarean section. Author/source: Freepik
Taking iron helps reduce risks in anaemic, pregnant women
Volcanic islands offer a great opportunity for studying how the initially completely lifeless islands are populated by plant and animal species. The photo shows the lava fields in Tenerife that have not been populated by pine forests or herbaceous plants yet. Author/source: Madli Jõks
Computer simulation answers Darwin’s questions about the spread of island biota
Wallet made of gelatine-based ecotextile. Author/source: Gelatex Technologies
Estonian ecotextile offers a substitute to toxic imitation leather
Native speakers of the Uralic languages are geographically located in very different areas.
Does language relation equal actual relation? Genes provide the answer
TalTech electronics received a highly regarded USA patent approval for their novel impedance method
1875_Estonian Genome Center at the University of Tartu_Renee Altrov
Knowing the risks, for better or worse
Scholars: Estonian soil is surprisingly rich in species
Researchers have assembled Eurasian perch genome
raw material
The materials engineers are developing environmentally friendly materials for producing smart textiles
Linnaea borealis, also known as twinflower, was Carl von Linné's favourite plant and is thus named after him. Author/source: CC/Flickr
DOI codes will be used parallel to species names
alakonnu naeriauk1 IMG_6000
Slash and burn cultivation played an important role in the formation of southern Estonian landscapes
Estonians Are Developing a Better World via Technology
Closed and open stomata on the surface of a plant. Author: PS MicroGraphs
Research by scientists from Tartu explains how to influence the opening of a plant’s “mouth”
Smarter data analysis strategies will improve infertility treatment in the future

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