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High levels of LDL cholesterol are characteristics of familial hypercholesterolaemia. The disease increases the likelihood of early coronary heart disease and stroke. Author/source: Pixabay
Study by the Estonian Genome Center of UT might have saved 13 people from early heart attack
ASCENT grupp Chiang Mai ülikoolis 2018
TalTech Researchers Help to Develop Societal Resilience to Disasters in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Online journalists are expected to have a multitude of skills but working under time pressure and quantity requirements leaves little opportunity to apply these different skills.  Source:
Doctoral thesis explained why online journalism contains so many errors
During his project, Sävborg published many publications and some books, and he has some more articles coming.
Folkloristic Approach Throws New Light on Old Norse Sagas
Bildungsroman – novels that focus on the young female protagonist's quest for her role in society. Author/source: cacaye/Flickr
What to notice in the Soviet Estonian Female Bildungsroman?
Fieldwork on Ellesmere Island, Canada: Measuring the size of individual plants. The study combines over 50,000 individual plant measurements with 30 years of plant community monitoring to understand how tundra ecosystems are responding to warmer temperatures. 
Photo: Anne Bjorkman, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Germany.
New plants on the block: Taller species are taking over in a warming Arctic
A Formica ant milking sweet nectar from a Plebejus idas caterpillar. Ants are willing to protect butterfly larvae for the sake of this juice. Author/source: Margus Vilbas
Butterflies that eat ants
The lab is developing some more high-tech tests to enter international markets. For example, one of the next projects is now being tested in fertility treatment clinics – this test checks attachment of embryo and contributes significantly to the process of in vitro fertilization.
First Precision Medicine Laboratory in Estonia Kicks Off
Smart barn at the SPARK demo area in Tartu. Author/source: Randel Kreitsberg
Estonians developed a smart barn
Silver nanoparticles for antibacterial use: an interplay between a noble metal and bacteria-particle interface
Tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus). Author/source: Chelsea L. Wood/Flickr
Tapeworms cause global health problems and economic damage
Banisteriopsis caapi or ayahuasca blooming in the experimental garden of the University of Campinas, Brazil. Traditionally, it is considered to be the main ingredient of ayahuasca brew. Author/Source: Helle Kaasik
PhD student from Tartu University studies ritual use of psychedelic brew in Brazil
Interdisciplinary model could help to give patients existential support
Skull of the cave bear. Cave bears were much larger than the present day brown bears. Author/Source: Andrei Posmoșanu
Researchers have discovered the ice age cave bear is not totally extinct
Ornithologists discovered useful information about rare eagle
University of Tartu and Graanul Invest cooperate to develop wood valorisation technology
NIPT is a prenatal blood test to screen for fetal aneuploidy disorders such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) that cause intellectual disability or significant birth defects. Source: Mum Juncton.
An important genetic test for pregnant women will soon be made in Estonia
Global Soil War Discovered Thanks to UT Scientists
Mental Well-Being of Adolescence Needs Much More Attention
Vasilis Kostakis (Photo by Ilias Katsouras)
First ever ERC Starting Grant at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance and Tallinn University of Technology
Author/Source:bubblegumgirlz/Creative Commons
Suicide is unique to humans and sets us apart from other animal species
Andrei Goronovski
European Training Network for Zero-waste Valorisation of Bauxite Residue
Estonia is several steps ahead of others in personalised medicine
Body memory_06
Animated Films Reflect Features of Society

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