
Photo credit: Dhoomil Sheta/Unsplash
Estonian and Finnish researchers unveil new applications for GreenTwins project
Highly cited researchers from the University of Tartu. Photo credit: University of Tartu
Researchers from Estonia continue to be globally influential
Tallinn University lecturer Marika Ratnik believes in the healing power of arts, and she has two decades worth of research to support her stand. Photo credit: private collection
Art makes children happier at school
Liis Lutter and Epp Songisepp from the research center BioCC are revolutionizing probiotics. Photo credit: BioCC
Scientists are working on a vegan shot packed with good bacteria
Antegenes team. Photo credit: Antegenes
Major investment helps University of Tartu spin-off take genetic tests for cancer prevention to UK market
Photo credit: Bob Osias/Unsplash
Power electronics play an important role in the green transition
Photo credit: Renee Altrov
Researchers have discovered new genetic risk factors in polycystic ovary syndrome
Photo credit: Zuzana Kacerová/Unsplash
Doctoral thesis: modern construction technology is unsustainable
Photo credit: Matthew Feeney/Unsplash
Dissertation: academic staff struggle with information overload
President Alar Karis at the inauguration ceremony at Riigikogu on October 11, 2021. Photo Credit: Office of the President of the Republic
When a scientist becomes a president
Researchers measured the changes in air during different seasons and in various sites across Europe. Photo credit: Pixabay
Study shows how dirty the air is in Europe
Photo credit: Unsplash, Vadim Babenko
New method allows future buildings to remain open during pandemic
Photo credit: Peter Fogden/Unsplash
Drone solution will help the victims of terrorist attacks
Photo credit: Emirates News Agency
UAE and Estonia expand space collaboration at Expo 2020 Dubai
The little dot in the center is the Estonian satellite Hämarik. Photo credit: Dzmitry Kananovich/TalTech
A TalTech researcher took the first photos of the satellite Hämarik
Photo credit: Pixabay
A gene was found that prevents excessive weight gain and diabetes during high-fat diet
Photo credit: Unsplash, Annie Spratt
Dissertation reveals establishing new teaching method can take an academic year or longer
Photo credit: Pixabay
3D printing of electrical machines is a cutting-edge research in TalTech
Photo credit: Kamil Pietrzak, Unsplash
Skydivers have adventurous spirit in their genes, but it is hard to detect
Photo credit: Robinson Greig, Unsplash
Bird diversity and human well-being depend on the greenery of the city
Photo credit: Emma Gossett, Unsplash
How fine-root traits fit in plant form and function
Photo credit: David Mark, Pixabay
A smart city needs smart pipelines
Photo credit: TalTech
TalTech researchers to develop a remote flood sensing service
Photo credit: Unsplash/Aaron Burden
Magic helps out in the least religious country

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