natural sciences

Photo credit: Unsplash, David Matos
Visual figure discrimination is more closely related to linguistic thinking than generally believed
Photo credit: Unsplash, Juanma Clemente Alloza
Links between pollution and cancer in wild animals: what can we learn?
Professor Rando Tuvikene. Photo Credit: Tallinn University
Researchers look to saccharides for a breakthrough in the battle against coronavirus
Instead of using it as heating material, wood waste could be used to create new values. Photo credit: Markus Spiske
Synthetic biology opens up a new development path for the wood industry
Photo credit: Sebastian Pena Lambarri
Do fish get cancer?
Coal is a big polluter, but it's still a cheap way to produce energy. Photo credit: Pixabay
Should wood become cheaper than fossil fuel?
The great tit finds most of the food necessary for the nestlings from the canopies of deciduous trees.
Looking at the forest through the eyes of birds
Rando Tuvikene, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Tallinn University
Use of crustaceans in healing wounds – future of medicine?
Estonian scientist Leho Tedersoo showing off his early spring mushroom haul. Photo credit: Leho Tedersoo
Why are Estonian mushroom scientists among the best in the world?
One of the best-known Estonian biodiversity specialists Aveliina Helm found a clever way to make herself heard. Photo credit: Andres Tennus
Biologists map biodiversity to break the silence
The food we eat is a crucial factor in modulating the gut microbiota and its metabolism.
The growth rate effect of gut bacteria on degradation of dietary fibers
Scientists have long wondered whether mature native forests would be able to take advantage of the extra photosynthesis with elevated CO2 concentrations, given that the trees also need nutrients from the soil to grow. Photo credit: Paul Meiesaar.
Don’t hope mature forests to soak up carbon dioxide emissions
Bone sampling in ancient DNA laboratory in the Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu.
University of Tartu researcher to study inequality in prehistoric Europe
This crisis already gave scientists a lot of data and information to learn from.
What is coronavirus doing to our planet?
Senior Researcher and Team Leader, Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, showing his Tartu laboratory SynBioTEC. Photo credit: Marko Söönurm.
Scientists make food supplements from wood
Escape or not? To make a decision, the crow must monitor its surroundings as unnecessary escape is not reasonable.
Fearfulness of birds helps plan nature conservation measures
Time will show whether we will be able to do something to slow down age-related changes. This study at least gives an idea as to which direction we should look to next.
How to slow down ageing?
A general rise in air temperature damages plant photosynthesis.
Plants complain about heat with odour
A Senior Research Fellow at the University of Tartu, Kaspar Valgepea, proudly showing his new laboratory. Author: private collection.
Turning greenhouse gases into useful resources
The scientists will use data from the Estonian Biobank and cell line experiments to investigate the biological function of genetic variants.
New research centre combines genomics, evolution and personalised medicine
Ornithologists have so far believed that birds do not make any stops when crossing deserts.
Bird migration over the desert – with or without intermediate stops?
Arvi Jõers
Scientists hope to defeat infections after discovering bacterial espionage
More accurate marine forecast models will be of direct practical benefit to fishermen whose work depends on the movement of fish herds. Photo credit: Stina Kase.
Advancing marine forecast models
Within two weeks, young seahorses grow to a length of up to a centimetre.
Seahorses are helping scientists to study the evolution of pregnancy

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