medical sciences

Herbal supplements must be consumed carefully and consciously during active cancer treatment. Author/source: Andres Tennus, University of Tartu
Compound found in citrus fruits may suppress the effectiveness of cancer treatment
New Knowledge About Youngsters’ BMI and Bone Density Give Benefits to Help Them
The fear of giving birth is not a sufficient argument for doctors to allow a caesarean section. Author/source: Freepik
Taking iron helps reduce risks in anaemic, pregnant women
1875_Estonian Genome Center at the University of Tartu_Renee Altrov
Knowing the risks, for better or worse
Smarter data analysis strategies will improve infertility treatment in the future
High levels of LDL cholesterol are characteristics of familial hypercholesterolaemia. The disease increases the likelihood of early coronary heart disease and stroke. Author/source: Pixabay
Study by the Estonian Genome Center of UT might have saved 13 people from early heart attack
The lab is developing some more high-tech tests to enter international markets. For example, one of the next projects is now being tested in fertility treatment clinics – this test checks attachment of embryo and contributes significantly to the process of in vitro fertilization.
First Precision Medicine Laboratory in Estonia Kicks Off
NIPT is a prenatal blood test to screen for fetal aneuploidy disorders such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) that cause intellectual disability or significant birth defects. Source: Mum Juncton.
An important genetic test for pregnant women will soon be made in Estonia
Estonia is several steps ahead of others in personalised medicine
Scientists at the University of Tartu’s Institute of Pharmacy are developing novel dosage forms and drug delivery systems suitable for children. Author/source: Pixabay
Scientists at the University of Tartu are developing medicines suitable for young children
TTÜ best research article of the year is seeking solutions for combating nervous diseases
An illustration of how the nanojoint works. Author/source: UT Institute of Physics
A nanojoint created in Estonia brings us one step closer to creating nanorobots
The lab of synthetic biology has found its place at the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu. Photo by Petri-Jaan Lahtvee.
Modern Alchemy Revalues Residues
Investigating nanomaterials opens new doors for further research
Marika Mikelsaar, professor emeritus at the University of Tartu, visited the pharmacy of Tartu University Hospital to verify that, as a result of a 20-year research, a dietary supplement containing an ME-3 bacterium is now available in Estonia’s pharmacies. Author/source: Mari-Liis Pintson, University of Tartu
A discovery by the scientists at the University of Tartu is now in Estonia’s pharmacies
Student writes a thesis on how to prevent prediabetes from developing into diabetes. Author/source: Pixabay
Thesis gives recommendations on how to prevent prediabetes from developing into diabetes
TTÜ’s dissertation investigated the reasons of varying aggressiveness for breast and colorectal cancers
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Mummies United Researchers
National research awards in 2018. Author/source: ERR
National research awards laureates – what do they do?
Illustrative photo from
2018 sees the start of 42 new personal research funding projects
Kaur Alasoo and a fire truck. Credit: Randel Kreitsberg
Study by University of Tartu Scientist Published in a Renowned Science Magazine
One of the lead authors of the study is Argentinian Pablo Scodeller, who has decided to tie his future with Estonia. Author: Private collection
Cancer biologists from the University of Tartu help make an important discovery on Alzheimer’s disease
Mast cells may also be involved in infertility, since they are found at high numbers in the mucosal layer of the uterus, i.e. the endometrial tissue. Author: Kauczuk / Wikimedia Commons
Estonian researcher’s method promises a breakthrough in the development of allergy medications
Illustrative photo. Source:
Prestigious grant helps Estonian researchers to bring smart cancer treatment to pharmacies

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